There's a commonly known idiom that says, "Actions speak louder than words." I would like to alter that statement a little by swapping out the word, "Actions" for the word, "Results." I like to say it this way, "RESULTS speak louder than WORDS." This reminds us why we should make it our purpose in life to live and produce at the level of what we preach. Many people can TALK, but few people actually WALK out their confession. I've heard a simple, but powerful statement which says, "Your AUDIO.....needs to match your VIDEO!" That truth speaks volumes about the necessity of having good character and practicing what "we preach". Our results will be the "tell all"; Doesn't matter if we're talking about job performance, business performance, academic performance, or personal performance; The results will "tell no tales". People are persuaded more by what you do, rather than what you say. Why? Because their perception is their reality, and that perception is based off of your RESULTS. Let's make sure we do more than just "talk the walk"; Let's actually "walk the talk". "CROWN LIFE!"