Before anything can MANIFEST in life, there must first be a MAN (meaning human) to carry it out. Oftentimes, people think that things will just happen on their own, and there is not much effort on their part. The reality is: It's not going to happen without YOU! We must remember that good intentions are not to be mistaken for good actions. An intention is something I "want" to do; But, an action is something I "actually" do. You can only be rewarded for the results that manifest, not the ones that you simply desire. You and I must put in the work necessary for our progress and success in life. Lastly, keep this thought in mind: You can not spell "MANIFEST" without...."MAN". "CROWN LIFE!"
There is a detrimental thinking pattern that is running rampant in the world! You know what that is? It is the irrational belief that we have an option in life to NOT choose to fulfill our life's purpose and still become successful in the end. How is this possible? Can a CAR be measured by the standards of a BMX bike and we still say that it was successful? Can a GRANDFATHER CLOCK be measured by the standards of a WATCH and we still was successful? The answer is obvious, so why do we think that we are the exception to the rule. In order to be successful, you must fulfill YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE! Anything else chosen as an alternative disqualifies you from that result. Remember: If you want to be successful in life, you MUST be on the right course and in the right lane. "CROWN LIFE!"
You notice how many of the people we deem as successful also had a burning desire and determination to achieve their aspirations in life? Passion is the impetus or driving force that will propel you through hardships and challenges when you're endeavoring to fulfill your dreams. Your passion for what you do will keep you focused, and life's trials will not outlast the passion you possess. That burning desire inside your heart to accomplish your purpose is the divider between the weak and the strong. Most people who have given up on something usually were not truly passionate about it. Passion will keep you up at night or make you rise early in the morning to get your day started; It's the thing that makes people wonder how you're able to produce and be so creative daily. I encourage you to pursue....your passion! "CROWN LIFE!"
It does not matter where you start out in life; it only matters where you end. I'm pretty sure most of us would have chosen a better situation to be born in had we had that opportunity to choose, but we did not have a choice in the matter. Our parents were "the channel" or vehicle through which we arrived on the planet, but our success in life is not dependent upon them. We all have to take responsibility for our own lives, and not blame others for our failures or shortcomings. I do understand that some have gone through devastating, tumultuous, & abusive childhoods, and need time to heal from those series of events. But, at some point, we have to say, “Enough is enough! I will not be held captive by my past memories.” Choose today to move on, and not hold up your future by holding on to the past. The best is yet to come! "CROWN LIFE!"
I personally love the following statement: “You can relax. I'm not trying to take your place in the world, just simply trying to take mine!” The reason I'm so fond of this particular phrase is because it reminds me that every one of us have been given an area of gifting to dominate or gain mastery over in life. If so, then no one should ever feel threatened by anyone else if they have a strong gift or talent that is similar in regards to expertise. Their ability does nothing to prevent you from fulfilling your purpose in life. We can mutually respect and partake of each others' strengths when we realize that we're all interdependent. Truth is: We're not in competition with each other. I'm not competing against you; I'm competing against myself, in terms of my last achievement, goal, or success reached. The sooner you grasp this mindset, the sooner you can begin to maximize your potential to succeed. "CROWN LIFE!"