I personally love the following statement: “You can relax. I'm not trying to take your place in the world, just simply trying to take mine!” The reason I'm so fond of this particular phrase is because it reminds me that every one of us have been given an area of gifting to dominate or gain mastery over in life. If so, then no one should ever feel threatened by anyone else if they have a strong gift or talent that is similar in regards to expertise. Their ability does nothing to prevent you from fulfilling your purpose in life. We can mutually respect and partake of each others' strengths when we realize that we're all interdependent. Truth is: We're not in competition with each other. I'm not competing against you; I'm competing against myself, in terms of my last achievement, goal, or success reached. The sooner you grasp this mindset, the sooner you can begin to maximize your potential to succeed. "CROWN LIFE!"