One of the first lessons in time management that you should learn is that time.....must be respected. We MUST respect time; and, the understanding of this should remind us all that we don't have time to waste! Before we can ever respect other people's time, we must first respect our own. We must understand that our time here on earth is LIMITED. We don't have the liberty to procrastinate in life. We have to manage our time well, and we can do this by actually doing what we're supposed to do....when we're supposed to do it! If you are supposed to be working, you actually need to be WORKING! If you are supposed to be resting, you need to be RESTING during that time. If you're scheduled to be in a meeting, be punctual, alert, and prompt. It's a waste of time if you're not maximizing each moment you have by being productive and/or "truly" PRESENT. When we have a healthy respect for our own time, we then can do likewise in regards to respecting the time of others. Remember: Not one of us can get even "one minute" of our lives back once it's spent; so let's use each one wisely. "CROWN LIFE!"