I've observed a common trend in the lives of people who are NOT using their gifts, talents, and creative ability; I've noticed how their lives lacked ENTHUSIASM. People who do not use their God-given abilities to produce will also develop dry and mundane lives. Truth is: God has given us gifts and talents that are OMNIFICENT (meaning: unlimited in creative power). Your gift is made to produce and create with an infinite flow of ingenuity. The problem is the fact that you often don't become enthusiastic WITHOUT creative projects (i.e. writing a book, starting a business, building an invention, etc.) and you also can't PRODUCE anything great without ENTHUSIASM. The answer lies within the issue itself. You need creative projects FOR enthusiasm and you need enthusiasm for GREAT creative projects. So, what is the solution then? The solution is that there must be a change in thinking or mindset in regards to using our gifts, talents, and creative ability on a regular basis. We have to DECIDE to do it before the ENTHUSIASM can drive us to it. In life, be creative....or simply....be bored. It's your choice. "CROWN LIFE!"